By Geralde Vincent-Bancroft
When learning a foreign language, one of the most difficult tasks can be mastering verb tenses. There are so many different of them in every language, and it can be hard to know which ones to focus on and how to use them correctly. One great way to improve your understanding of verb tenses is to start keeping a journal in your target language. In this blog post, we will discuss how journaling in a foreign language can help you learn verb tenses, and we will give you some tips on how to get started!

Verbs are very important in any language, and they can be one of the most difficult parts to learn . In English, for example, there are 12 verb tenses, which can be tricky for non-native speakers to master. In any other foreign language, there may be even more verb tenses, and it can be difficult to keep track of all of them. That’s where journaling in the foreign language comes in.
How to learn verbs effectively
- Focus on using materials that will allow you to be acquainted with the way the language is spoken naturally. Use and reuse them as often as possible.
- Pay attention to what is truly relevant. When exposed to day-to-day language, you will pick up the verbs and verb forms most used by native speakers.
- Learn essential verbs and verb forms. They help us convey what’s happening, what we’re doing, what we’re saying, what we’re thinking and so on. There are verbs like “to be”, “to have” “to do”, “to go” etc that will be more than useful for everyday conversations.
- Ditch the memorisation of massive conjugation lists that will only overwhelm you. You do not need all of them after all.
- Remember that you will learn better through implicit learning, just like children learn their mother tongue. So, make sure that you are exposed to a great deal of resources meant for native speakers, even at the beginning of your language journey.
- Find materials about things you enjoy doing and learning about; and try to incorporate the verbs you find into your active vocabulary.
Journaling in a foreign language can help with this by providing a space to write down new words and phrases that you learn, as well as examples of how they are used. When you journal in your target language, you will also be able to focus on practicing verb tenses. By writing out example sentences, you will get a better understanding of how each tense works, and you will be able to use them more confidently in conversation.

Here are a few tips for practicing verb tenses when journaling in a foreign language
– Start by writing out example sentences for each tense to help you get a better understanding of how each one works.
– Make sure that you include the correct subject and object pronouns in your sentences. This will allow you to have a grasp of the conjugations of each verb tense.
-Talk about yourself, your plans, activities and desires. For instance, if you want to use the present tense, talk about your daily activities, talk about your goals to use the future tense, your childhood or your last holidays to use the past tense, or your aspirations to use the conditional.
– Use a variety of different tenses in your journaling- not only “I”- so that you become more comfortable with using them in conversation.
– Be sure to review your journal entries often to remember the different verb tenses and how to use them correctly.
Also, when you journal, you are writing down your thoughts and experiences in your target language. This gives you the opportunity to use a variety of different verb tenses, and it also helps you to become more comfortable using them. By writing in your journal on a regular basis, you will gradually improve your understanding of verb tenses, and you will be able to use them more accurately in conversation.

Here is what to do to get started journaling in your target language:
- Choose a journal that is specifically for learning languages to keep you focused and motivated.
- Set a reminder on your calendar to write in your journal daily;
- Start by writing about simple topics, such as your day-to-day activities. This will give you a chance to use a variety of different verb tenses, and it will also help you to become more comfortable writing in your target language.
- Create dialogues. It is a perfect way to train yourself for the conversations you might have in the foreign language in the future. Jot down what you would say in different circumstances- introducing yourself to a stranger, at a restaurant, asking for directions etc.- as well as the possible answer you might receive. This will create muscle memory for when you do have these conversations in real life.
- Write a review. It can be about a film you saw in your mother tongue or in the foreign language- it doesn’t matter-, or a book you read recently, or a TV program, or a sport event. The list is endless. Write a short description, introduce the people involved, the plot or the winner of the sport event. Then give your opinion about the event or the outcome.
- Investigate a topic that interests you and look up for words and verbs that you do not know yet. write down the sentences where you found them. it will be more likely that you will remember them as you studied them in context.
- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes! The best way to learn is by making mistakes and then learning from them.
- Make sure to review your journal entries regularly. This will help you to remember the verbs that you have learned.
Journaling is a great way to improve your understanding of verb tenses in a foreign language. By writing in your journal on a regular basis, you will gradually become more comfortable using them, and you will be able to use them more accurately in conversations. Journaling also has other benefits. It can help you improve your writing skills, and it allows you to practice your grammar skills. Plus, journaling is a great way to track your progress and see how much you have learned. Give it a try!
Happy journaling! 🙂
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