Sat, 15 Jul 2017 10:36
By Geralde Vincent-Bancroft
I could list many reasons why learning a language can be useful. I bet you already know them all, let’s focus today on the best learning tools that can help you achieve your goals.
1- DUOLINGO is a good learning tool for beginners.
* Duolingo helps you start learning some of the most basic expressions you would use when visiting a country.
*The teaching method is fun, practical and easy.
* Your progress is checked regularly. It is aware of your mistakes, where you make them and which questions are difficult for you to get right.
* you earn points for completing your lessons and when you make some mistakes they are deduced. You may also lose lives if they are too many.
* Every new skills builds on the vocabulary and syntax that you’ve already learned.
* It’s available online and has an APP for Androids and IOS.
* It’s a free learning tool.
2-ANKI: memorisation learning tool
Anki means memorisation in Japanese. It’s a flashcard program created in 2006.
* It displays a word, phrase, image or sound
* You repeat it, translate it and memorise it.
* You can load custom card sets depending on what you want to memorise
* You can download shared decks in the App.
* It’s an Audio Based method
* It focuses on participation in speaking and sound exercises.
* You repeat phrases and words after a native speaker.
* As new phrases are introduced your memory is reinforced with older ones.
* It’s available in 50 Languages
* Available online and on Mobile APP.
* It’s Not a Free learning tool.
Memrise is a language learning platform.
* It specialises in combining memory techniques and entertaining content in order to make language learning fun.
* It uses flashcards-style programs with added memory tricks, images, and other useful learning tools to make learning a new language entertaining and easy.
* You can compete against other users while you learn.
* It’s a Free learning tool.
* Available online and Mobile APP for Android and IOS.
* It’s a Teacher’s Market place.
* It connects you with native speakers from all over the world.
* It allows you to practice your verbal skills.
* You can take personalised lessons over Skype for as little as $6-$8 dollars/hour depending on the language, of course.
* This learning tool caters for all levels.
Glossika is a spaced repetition training system, and it is an optimum learning tool.
* It improves your fluency through repetitions: you listen and repeat.
* It’s useful for listening comprehension
* It’s effective if used daily.
* It’s available in many different languages.
7- FORVO: pronunciation learning tool
Forvo is the pronunciation dictionary website.
*You can search for written words and expressions that you do not know how to pronounce in almost every single language.
*You can request an audio pronunciation as well and hear a native speaker pronounce it.
* It’s Free but donations are accepted.
Busuu is a language learning website.
* It’s got a free learning APP for IOS and Android.
* You can learn Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Turkish, Russian as well as the European languages.
* It somehow follows the immersion approach to language learning.
* You can also talk to a native speaker.
* It is a useful translation service.
* It is web based.
* There is an APP for IOS and for Android as well.
* Useful for when you’re out and about in foreign countries.
There are plenty more resources out there, but I think one or a combination of these will help you jump start your language learning.