By Geralde Vincent-Bancroft
Wondering how to teach your preschool child a language? It’s easier than you think! There are many fun and effective strategies that can help your child learn a new language. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best methods for teaching a foreign language to preschoolers. We’ll also provide some helpful tips on how to make the learning process enjoyable for both you and your child. Let’s get started!

Teach your preschool child a second language. It’s never too early to start. In fact, there are many benefits to exposing your child to another language at an early age. For one, it can help them to develop a greater understanding of the world around them. Additionally, it can also improve their communication skills and allow
them to better understand other cultures. Furthermore, research has shown that learning a second language can also have a positive effect on improved cognitive abilities, increased creativity, and better problem-solving skills. So, whether you’re looking to give your child a leg up in school or just want to help them become more well-rounded, teaching them a second language is a great idea.
As a parent, you may be wondering how to go about teaching your preschool child a foreign language. Below are some fun and effective strategies that can help your little one start learning a new language today.
A preschool child learns a language better through social interaction
Children are notoriously fast learners. They can learn new things faster than adults, and they often do so in ways that we don’t even expect or notice. A lot of this has to do with the fact that children learn best through social interaction. When they’re constantly interacting with caregivers, they’re constantly learning new things. For example, a child who’s always around adults who speak a certain language will quickly learn that language themselves. Similarly, a child who’s being exposed to new experiences will have an easier time learning about those experiences than a child who isn’t. In other words, social interaction is essential for children’s learning and development.
So if you want your child to be a quick learner, make sure to provide them with plenty of opportunities for social interaction. So, take every opportunity to introduce the new language to them. For example, if you are in the kitchen cooking, describe what you are doing in the language you want your child to learn: “ I am making breakfast”. and explain the whole process in simple terms. I am taking an egg out of the fridge, etc. If the child is pointing out any item, pay attention and provide the name in the foreign language. Let them take the initiative.
Preschool children only learn words that interest them
It is commonly accepted that children learn words better when they are interested in the subject matter. This is especially true for young children who are just learning to communicate. A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto found that preschool children only learn words that interest them. The study found that when children were taught a new language, they only learned the words for objects and activities that they were interested in. For example, if a child was interested in playing with cars, they would only learn the words for car parts. However, if the child was not interested in playing with cars, they would not learn any car-related words.
This finding has important implications for educators and parents who are trying to teach children a new language. It suggests that the best way to teach a preschool child a new language is to focus on topics that interest them. This may seem like common sense, but it is important to remember when teaching young children. By focusing on their interests, we can make sure that they are actively engaged in the learning process and more likely to retain the information.
What you can do to help: Observe what catches the child’s attention. Notice what your child is trying to communicate and this is the perfect time to start a conversation and tell them the words that he/she will learn related to the object of his/her interest.
Preschool children learn what they hear more often
It’s no secret that children learn best when they’re actively engaged in the material. But what may be surprising is that a child’s ability to learn is heavily influenced by how often they hear something. This is especially true for younger children, who are in the process of learning to speak. A new study has found that preschool children who are taught a second language learn the most when they hear it spoken frequently.
The research was conducted by exposing children to two different languages over the course of a week. The results showed that the children who heard the second language more often were better able to identify words and phrases in that language. This finding highlights the importance of providing frequent exposure to new material in order to facilitate learning. It also suggests that parents and teachers should take care to provide a rich and varied linguistic environment for young children.
What you can do to help: add the foreign language in your daily activities This will allow them to be constantly in touch with the new language, and remember to follow his/her lead.

Teach your preschool child a language through games and play
Most people agree that the best way to teach a preschool child a new language is through play and games. After all, children learn best when they’re having fun. And what could be more fun than playing games? Games are a meaningful way to help children practice using the new language. They can learn new words and phrases while they’re playing, and then they can put what they’ve learned into practice. Furthermore, games are a great way to teach children about cooperation and teamwork. When children are playing together, they’re learning how to communicate and work together. And that’s an important skill to have, no matter what language you’re speaking.
Varying the activities make the learning process easier and fun
One of the best ways to teach your child a language is to make the learning process fun and varied. Don’t just sit down and drill them with flashcards – instead, try incorporating the language into everyday activities. For example, you could label objects around the house in the target language, or play games that involve speaking and listening. You could even sing songs or read stories together in the new language. The more fun you make it, the more likely your child will be to stick with it.
What you can do to help: use the words your child is learning in different contexts so that he/she can fully understand the meaning and memorise them. You can introduce them to ‘not so common words’ as well, so that they start widening their vocabulary pool. If possible, introduce them to different conversation partners in the language; a family member, a friend. This will help them develop the language further. And before you know it, they’ll be speaking like a native!

How you can help your preschool child learn a language as a monolingual parent
If you’re a monolingual parent raising a preschooler, you may be wondering how to teach your child a second language. While it may seem daunting, there are actually a number of ways you can go about it. First, you can enrol your child in a language class or playgroup. This will give them the opportunity to interact with other children who are learning the same language. Second, you can hire a language tutor. You may also take advantage of technology and make use of online resources such as games, apps, and videos. Third, you can create a “language-rich environment” at home by listening to music, reading books, and watching TV shows in the target language. By taking these steps, you can give your child a head start in learning a second language.
Learn the language together
It’s never too late to learn a new language, and teaching your child can actually be a great way to learn yourself. If you’re a monolingual parent, it can feel like a daunting task. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help. You can start by checking out books, websites, and apps that focus on teaching language to children like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone. There are also online communities of parents who are in the same boat as you – they can offer support, tips, and advice. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – with a little effort, you’ll be speaking the language in no time!
It’s never too early to start teaching your child a foreign language.There are many benefits to learning a second language, such as improved communication skills, better grades in school, and increased job opportunities. The best way to teach your child a foreign language is to immerse them in the language by speaking it at home, reading books in the target language, and watching movies and TV shows in the target language.
There are a few things to keep in mind when teaching your preschool child a foreign language. First, make it fun. Use games, songs, and stories to help your child learn new words and phrases. You can also enroll your child in a foreign language class or camp so they can learn from a native speaker.
Second, be patient. Don’t expect your child to learn overnight. It takes time and practice to become proficient in a new language. Finally, be consistent.
With patience and consistency, you can help your child develop a strong foundation in a foreign language that will benefit them throughout their life.
Are you a parent of preschool aged children? Would you be interested in a FREE online Workshop to support your child’s second language learning, even when you are not confident in your own language skills?