Thinking In A Second Language
By Geralde Vincent-Bancroft
Bilingualism is often touted for its myriad cognitive benefits, from delayed cognitive decline to enhanced attention networks. However, a new and fascinating area of research delves into the impact of language on the accuracy of memory – particularly, the prevention of false memories.
In a compelling series of experiments, scientists have discovered an unexpected mechanism that kicks into gear when we speak or think in a second language, which unwittingly and effectively eliminates false memories.
These findings not only underscore the importance of linguistic diversity but also how the very nature of our minds can be influenced by the language we use.

The Language We Speak: A Distinct Filter for Our Memories
Mother tongue linked to cognitive bias and false memories
Our mother tongue is intimately entwined with our sense of self and personal values; and this often influence our decision-making and emotional responses. Interestingly, the language we use can influence our perception of the world.
Studies have found that when we think in our native language, we’re more likely to experience cognitive bias, including the formation of false memories. These distortions can sometimes have significant consequences. They may lead to the misreporting of crucial events or influencing the testimony in legal cases.
Thinking in a foreign language leads to more accurate memory
In contrast, switching to a second language, often necessitating increased effort and concentration, can curtail these biases.
Research conducted at the University of Chicago indicates that while using a foreign tongue, individuals seemed to be more vigilant about their recall. And this, paradoxically, led to a more accurate memory. This heightened vigilance might result from a more ‘detached’ perspective experienced when conversing in a language less linked to our cultural and personal histories.
The experiment
A seminal study on memory and language juxtaposed English and Mandarin Chinese for fluently bilingual participants. The subjects participated in word recognition tests and observed scenes of crimes described by misleading questions or narratives.
When recalling what they had seen and heard, the bilingual individuals were notably more adept at distinguishing between true events and those falsely influenced by narrative and suggestion. This is while thinking and conversing in their non-native language.
The Science Behind the Second Language Shield
Using more our analytical thinking when using a second language to eliminate false memories
The root of this linguistic buffer against false memories lies in our cognitive underpinnings. When we use a second language, particularly one learned later in life, our brains may transition to a more analytical thought process.
This analytical thinking theory, or ‘linguistic intergroup bias,’ can explain why we seem to make more rational and defensible judgments when dialoguing in a non-dominant language.
Less emotional when thinking in a second language
Strengthened by these scientific findings, an individual using a foreign language might approach memory tasks with a more logical and, crucially, less emotionally swayed mindset.
More resilience to persuasion
Moreover, this cognitive transformation extends to everyday occurrences, with bilingual individuals often showing resilience in the face of advertising and other persuasive messages.
They are more resistant to being influenced by the framing or emotional appeals made in their native language. They can parse the information from a more literal and less associative perspective.
Embracing Linguistic Diversity for a Better Memory
More objective mental process
What does this mean for bilingualism and the pursuit of foreign language learning? The ability to switch languages opens a window to a potentially more objective mental process.
The act of thinking in a second language could serve as a corrective force against the vagaries of memory. This will instil a discipline that leads to a more trustworthy recollection of events.
Perseverance on learning a second language
This knowledge encourages a thoughtful reflection on the language landscape of our personal and professional lives. We should consider the implications of the words we use, write, and think in.
It emboldens those engaged in language learning to persevere. Not only for the connection it provides to other cultures but for its profound impact on cognitive functions.
As global citizens, nurturing our linguistic repertoire can lead to more accurate memories. Also, by extension, we can have more authentic interactions and understanding across linguistic boundaries.
Conclusion: Memories in the Global Village
The study of false memories in a bilingual context not only uncovers a novel aspect of the human mind but also underscores the value of linguistic diversity. As the scientific community continues to unravel the multifaceted relationship between language and cognition, we stand at the crossroads of a profound discovery.
Speaking a second language can elevate our critical faculties, enhancing our ability to discern the fabric of reality from the threads of imagination.
As we navigate an increasingly complex world, let us embrace the broad tapestry of languages that colors it. Recognizing that each linguistic shade holds the power to shape and preserve our most cherished possession — our memories.
Let us continue to learn, speak, and think in multiple languages, for a more nuanced understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit.
G. Vincent-Bancroft
We should celebrate the diversity of language as a tool for building deeper connections and fostering genuine empathy in our global village. Language is indeed at the heart of our memories and plays an integral role in shaping who we are. Embrace it, and let your memories be true.
Let us continue to explore the fascinating relationship between language and memory. There is still so much more to uncover. The power of language extends far beyond mere communication. It has the ability to shape our thoughts, emotions, and ultimately our memories.
It is advisable to use this power wisely, both in our personal lives and in society as a whole. The benefits of linguistic diversity are vast, and the potential for enhancing our cognitive abilities through language is endless.
In the end, let us remember that language is not a barrier, but a bridge connecting us all. Therefore, we should continue to learn and communicate in different languages. For it is through this diversity that we can truly understand and appreciate one another.
As the saying goes, “the limits of my language are the limits of my world.” Let us break those limits and create a world of infinite possibilities through the power of language.
So we should carry on speaking, thinking, and learning in multiple languages. Our memories and our world are better for it.
Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep embracing all that language has to offer. The journey is endless, but the rewards are immeasurable.